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Ambi Pur Free Sample | Mini Vent Clip | Ambi Pur India | June 2013

Ambi Pur India is giving  Ambi Pur Free Sample of Mini Vent Clip to first 20 users who completes a short survey about their car.  20 samples of the new Ambi Pur Mini Vent Clip will be given everyday. The first 20 users to enter their contact details on a daily basis will be eligible for the samples. Only one sample will be given out per user. Users who don’t feature in the 20 can participate in the next day & try get the free samples.

Note: Offer is valid till 25th June.

=>Steps to Follow:

1. Visit here for the offer page
2. Click Continue
3. Take a short survey
4. Fill in your details


=>About Ambi Pur:

Ambi Pur is a brand of air freshener products available in the United States, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Their range of products may be used in the home or in the car with a variety of smells and properties such as odor neutralisation. Ambi-Pur’s first product was launched in 1958 in Spain by Javier de Merelo Barberá Sanromä Cruz. Cruz Verde was a Spanish household brand selling a wide range of products, and even in the 2010’s is a well-known brand in Spain because of the great tradition of innovation and advertising. Cruz Verde was purchased in the 1970’s by the US multinational company Syntex. Ambi-Pur, which differs from other products and Cruz Verde, became a brand name, with cellulose products “constant” and aerosols, and in the late 1970’s and 1980’s, continued to strengthen the brand with new products and diversification of the intended use.

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