Runtastic PRO Free Android App

Get Runtastic PRO Free Android App by downloading Runtastic Running & Fitness  App and using a Coupon. Runtastic is the best running, fitness and tracking app worth Rs.322 but no you can get it for free.


=>How to get Runtastic PRO Free Android App:

1. Download and Install Runtastic Running & Fitness Android App. (Also available on iOS App store)

2. Sign up > Click on setting >  More > Runtastic > Promo code > Apply coupon: FREE-UBTP-XPTP

3. Restart.

4. You app will be upgraded to Runtastic PRO for free.


=>Runtastic Pro App Features:

◾ Voice Coach: Audio feedback based on your personal preferences
◾ Auto Pause: Session is paused automatically when you stop moving
◾ Runtastic Earth View: Watch workouts in 3D (free Google Earth App required
◾ Routes: Create or find exercise routes, sync them to your smartphone
◾ Interval training, coaching and dynamic split (km/mi) tables
◾ Training Goals: Select heart rate zone, calorie goal or pace goal to optimize training
◾ Challenge a Run: Compete against yourself by challenging past activity results
◾ Colored Traces: Colors indicate training changes, incl. pace, elevation, slope
◾ Geotagging: Take pics during exercise & view photos online with map trace
◾ Powersong: Activate to boost workout at just the right moment

Note: You have to download Runtastic Running & Fitness App and not Runtastic PRO.